Sunday, 28 February 2010

ONE THOUSAND!!!!!!!! Saturday 27th Feb.

The end of another mad week at POP. Some quiet days but the busy days were manic, with Radio Lancashire spending the afternoon with us on Wednesday and a Saturday which really feels like productive engagement is happening. People keep coming back to us! Families, the groups of teenagers who gather on Church Street and adults are really getting involved, getting to know us and feel at home. They are joining in with projects and begining to think about what they are producing.

Saturday's workshop was sculpture with Carl Jackson. The group made some fantastic figures and vehicles using bits of broken toys. Amazing results.

Around that Bev and I took a 5 metre banner outside for the kids to draw around each other. Some then came in to paint it. Also Bev and I donned white boiler suits - Reminded me of a Woody Allen film but not saying which one -and went outside with paint to become living art. Really caused a stir.

And to cap it all off our 1000th visitor came in just before the end of the day. Fantastic. we all went home very satisfied.


Further proof - if it were needed - that Bev and Keith are ever so slightly off it - but it hasn't half got people interested, talking and engaging with the project and ultimately with art and creative activities.

This banner will hang in the window.

The banner makes a great superhero cape!

Painting the banner.

Lovely aprons!

Lots going on.

Carl Jackson ran a superb sculpture workshop using broken toys to make fantastic figures.

Family fun.

Proud artists showing their work.

Our Sculptor Carl working with group.

Some fantastic results!

What a great display of work.


She left with this lovely multi-coloured hat as a gift from us - no expense spared!!

Now looking forward to the final fortnight.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

First Artists Reponses Session

David Jeal brought some of his pupils from St Bede's Roman Catholic High School down for the 1st of our Artists Responses workshops - quite an eventful day as we also had John Gillmore from BBC Radio Lancashire broadcasting live all afternoon.

Susan, Keith and Bev talked about their work and what inspired them, then the pupils - along with others who dropped in - had a go at producing some brilliant work of their own based on some of the techniques that had been talked about.

There are 2 more artists responses sessions to come - book yourself one one & come and have a go.

"You're not pressing hard enough!"

Bev gives Gilly a hand creating the mould for a cast of his hand

Is this a fencing or ballet class?

Gilly & Carole have a go

"Now the mike is mine! Radio Lancs today - tomorrow the world!!"

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

More tattooing pics

Sorry, I just don't get this stupid back to front posting nonsense.

Please see previous post for write up.
