Tuesday, 2 February 2010

A message from our poet

HI Keith and Susan

Just a quick line to thank you and all your colleagues for their “warmth” (?) and hospitality yesterday. I am making all efforts I can to draw more folk to next week’s event, and hopefully public awareness in Blackburn will have kicked in by then after your first week of the festival. Please don’t be dissuaded in such early days by a perceived public apathy. A famous songwriter (John Stewart who wrote Daydream Believer”) once said to me in interview that “people like what they know but they don’t know what they like.” I think your event(s) will eventually mage a huge impact on Blackburn and that if you can establish the event for a year or two, it will soon become apparent that the general public really do wish to participate in Project; Our Place.

Please thank everyone who attended the workshop.

I really hope you enjoyed the session which I, as facilitator, found refreshing in its dynamism. The “youngsters” were lovely to work with weren’t they and it was fascinating to learn how seriously all of them approached their work. I felt they showed this generation to be much more aware of, and perhaps even guided by, market forces than was my generation of creative artists.

I fear life for them over the next decade will be far tougher than the last decade has been for artists like myself, who have been able to supplement income from our creativity of arts for art’s sake with earnings from our delivery of art for “social elevation”, the damning phrase this government has used to justify “community art” to a general public who have never had explained to them the positive impact of arts as a social intervention, and who are therefore likely to vote-in a government next time who, of whichever “colour”, will slash the public spending that regenerates deprived communities and sustains a body of artists, who seem to be the only body in the country capable of truly establishing cultural cohesion without diluting our proud indigenous cultural history.

I thought all the attendees yesterday managed to write really interesting pieces and once again the session showed how art forms share many preparatory, creative and editorial processes, and at the very least it was good to learn that writers are not the only tortured artists on this earth.

I look forward to seeing you next week.

Norman Warwick
Consultant and Project Facilitator
Just Poets

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